Who we are

Eurotempest specialises in qualified defence- and government customers’ needs of high-assurance IT products and systems.  Our products are used throughout EU and NATO in over 30 countries, by national as well as central authorities.  Our customers enjoy being able to select the latest technology with confidence that formal requirements and standards are met.

Our background

Eurotempest operations in the Netherlands and in Sweden are part of Eurotempest AB group,  the IT branch of Boxholms AB group. Boxholm AB is one of Sweden’s oldest industrial companies with stable finances and a solid trading record.

Eurotempest staff has decades of experience from various high-assurance projects involving TEMPEST, environmental requirements and crypto.

Our product development policy

Our ambition is that our customers should be able to select the latest and most adequate commercial IT equipment for their needs and be able order the corresponding certified unit from Eurotempest.  We continually develop reference units from the leading computer manufacturers which we are able to provide on short notice.

We have parallel process flows for development, production, production testing and TEMPEST reference testing and duplicate test chambers. We work directly with most of the major manufacturers of IT equipment and have partnering agreements with companies like Panasonic, HP, DELL, Fujitsu, Sharp NEC and Allied Telesis.