Eurotempest holds the following credentials and certificates as an accredited supplier of TEMPEST equipment:

Authority Name Certificate / statement
RVA_logo_appr Dutch Accreditation Council ISO 17025 declaration of accreditation. [english]
NCI_logo Dutch Min of Interior and Kingdom relations Statement NIAPC listing. [english]
AIVD/NL NCSA Facility Security Clearance Certificate (FSCC) (Updated 2013-05) [english]
AIVD/NL NCSA Statement Eurotempest B.V. [dutch]
NATO C3 Agency NATO BOA listed supplier of Securised Hardware and Tempest SDIP 27 Level A/B/C Products (NC3A/BOA/12679)
NATO SHAPE NATO SHAPE NIAPC product list [english]
BSI BSI German zoned products list
NIDV Nationale Industrie voor Defensie & Veiligheid [dutch]
EU List of accredited TEMPEST companies [english]

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