rPad is a rugged tablet platform aimed at defense and government customers with stringent requirements on security and environmental capabilities. Head over to our feature page, presenting our latest development on the rugged side – the rPad mil.
rPad is a rugged tablet platform aimed at defense and government customers with stringent requirements on security and environmental capabilities. Head over to our feature page, presenting our latest development on the rugged side – the rPad mil.
The product sheet for Modulus T3015d has now been updated. The product sheet can be downloaded here.
Eurotempest now releases the Modulus LC7-A high-performance, 17-inch laptop. LC7-A is based on Hewlett-Packard’s high-performance line of professional laptops, aimed at users with workstation-like requirements. LC7-A comes with a 17 inch, 1920×1080 display and a discrete high-performance integrated graphics card.
For details, download the product sheet for LC7-A here.
We have now updated the configuration of our Ultra Small Form Factor (USSF) TEMPEST computer. SFF5-A has a very small footprint on the desktop, but still offers high-performance specifications equal to those found in standard desktop systems. The SFF5-A is highly configurable and comes with a full range of configuration options depending on the user’s needs.
Download the Modulus SFF5-A computer product sheet for detailed information.
The product sheet for our HP-based TEMPEST flatbed scanner has been updated. You can download the product sheet for the T8270 TEMPEST scanner here.
Eurotempest now offers Hewlett-Packard’s new range of office laser color printers for desktop or small workgroup use. The T-M451 offers updated features compared to the former T-2025 which it now replaces. A product sheet for our TEMPEST T-400 printer line can be downloaded here.
While rendered pictures look nice, it is even nicer to have images of the real thing. The following pictures are from a demo we recently had in Farnborough of our incident response display. The IRIS-1 is an excellent solution for those looking to collect data from various locations (pictures, movies, documents etc) and have them managed and displayed simultaneously at a command center. The IRIS-1 is a 12-point rugged multi-touch solution built around a bright 42-inch display, allowing several people to gather and interact around the same control surface.
We have also updated our product sheet which can be downloaded here.
The Modulus TMC2-A is a high-speed media converter, converting from copper-based Ethernet to Fiber Ethernet. The converter is completely transparent to the network, meaning that no converter-specific configuration of the network is required. The TMC2-A sports a small, convenient and lightweight TEMPEST enclosure. TMC2-A weighs a little more than 500 grams.
Download TMC2-A TEMPEST media converter data sheet PDF here