Eurotempest releases ET-SPS, a high-assurance pull-printing solution aimed at customers with high-assurance demands on their IT infrastructure. TZ 551-A is an optimal solution for organisations seeking to significantly reduce their printing costs and the corresponding environmental footprint without compromising formal security policies. Read More
TEMPEST Pro 400 series printers
Eurotempest now offers the new HP Laserjet Pro 400 series of printers in TEMPEST level A, B and C versions. A unique Eurotempest feature is the recessed TEMPEST networking port, protecting the fiberoptic connectors against accidental impact or disconnection.
Product specifications can be found here: Modulus T 451-A color laser printer Modulus T 401-A mono laser printer.
Modulus T M775DN Multifunctional TEMPEST printer
Eurotempest now offers a full TEMPEST version of the high-capacity HP M775 multifunctional duplex laser printer. It handles paper formats up to A3 size and has an optional paper capacity of over 4000 sheets.
The product sheet for Modulus T M775DN can be downloaded here.
Updated product sheet for Modulus T3015d-A
The product sheet for Modulus T3015d has now been updated. The product sheet can be downloaded here.
T-M451 TEMPEST color laser printer

Eurotempest now offers Hewlett-Packard’s new range of office laser color printers for desktop or small workgroup use. The T-M451 offers updated features compared to the former T-2025 which it now replaces. A product sheet for our TEMPEST T-400 printer line can be downloaded here.